Tuesday, 16 June 2015

Ten Reasons Why You Should Fake Tan

1. Protect Your Skin Against Those Harmful Sunrays

Our largest organ is our skin and needless to say you should care for it as if it was your most valuable possession - because it is, together with the rest of our body. Avoid skin cancer, premature ageing and wrinkles by wearing high SPF every single day (yes, even during winter and on rainy days!) and be a golden goddess by using fake tan rather than lying hours and hours under those very harmful UV sunrays. Betty begs you! 

2. The Quick & Easy Way To A Sunkissed Skin 

Although lying on a beautiful beach or by the pool is a wonderful way to relax and unwind, you might not always have time to wait for that tan to reach the perfect level of darkness. There are more things to do, places to explore, friends to see and amazing meals to eat. A fake tan will make you look like you have been on a tropical holiday within minutes! 

3. You Can Tan Wherever You Want, Whenever You Want

You don't have to wait for the sun to shine in order to achieve a gorgeous fake tan. A fake tan can be applied on sunny days, rainy days, cold winter days or whatever other time of day and year you prefer. Perfect as far as Betty is concerned! 

4. No Unsightly Tan Lines

Who doesn't want to wear (or not wear...) whatever they want and not have to worry about hiding those unsightly tan lines.

5. Sunkissed Skin All Year Around

As Betty said, a fake tan can be applied on sunny days, rainy days, summer days, winter days. Whenever and wherever you want! 

6. Look Toned

A wise person once said "If you can't tone it, tan it". So true.

7. Forces You To Take Care Of Your Skin By Exfoliating And Moisturising Often And Regularly

A fake tan will always look the best and last the longest when you take care of your skin by exfoliating and moisturising regularly. This is also crucial for anyone who wants soft, healthy looking skin all year round and at any age.

8. Instant Golden Goddess

Sometimes the only confidence booster you need is a golden fake tan that will make you feel as good as you look within a couple of minutes. 

9. An Amazing Fake Tan Will Make You Look And Feel Fresh And Healthy 

The cold winter months especially can make many of us feel a bit pale and dull. While you don't want to overdo the fake tan during winter (a natural looking glow goes a long way), a little fake tan pick-me-up might be all you need. A fake tan will also make your teeth look whiter and your eyes brighter. 

10. You Can Customize Your Colour 

 Go as dark as you want, but please - read our blog post about choosing the right tan tone for your skin tone here… just to make sure you don't look like a carrot!

Love, Betty xxx

All images from Pinterest