Monday, 4 May 2015

The breakfast of Betty's choice

Betty loves to get off to a good start in the morning and to her, that means starting her day with a healthy, nutritious breakfast. Her favorite (except for long weekend brunches with eggs and smashed avo) is acai bowls. The delicious berry from Brazil has been around for centuries and are packed with antioxidants, healthy fats, fibre and essential vitamins and minerals. It is truly a superfood! And better yet, it looks and almost tastes like ice cream. Who doesn't want ice cream for breakfast?

As with most things, you need to try and fail in order to find what suits your tastebuds best. However, Betty has a good base recipe that can be worth starting off with if acai bowls are new to you. 

Serves 2

2 frozen Acai Berry packs (have a look in you local healthy food shop) 
1 banana
1/2 cup coconut or almond milk 
A handful of spinach (optional) 
Toppings of your choice (fruits, berries, homemade granola, shredded coconut, nuts) The sky really is the limit! 

Blend all (except toppings) in a blender until smooth and thick, but not chunky. If needed, add extra milk until everything is completely blended. Split into two bowls and add your favorite toppings. 

Easy peasy! Enjoy!! 

Love Betty xxxx 

All images from Pinterest